Friday, February 12, 2016

Landscape Assignment

1. Yes I used the rule of thirds. I emphasized the sky and the sunlight streaming down with it. 
2. I used shape, color, and emphasis. I used these elements of art to draw people's eyes towards the sky. I also used the rule of thirds to attract people's eyes upward and towards the sun.
3. My image was taken during the afternoon. In some aspects this was a good time of day to shoot, I could show the sunlight and blue skies. But, I was unable to get a deep contrast in hues and value that I might have gotten at an earlier or later time of day. 
4. I used the foreground background relationship to show the distance between the field goal and the hills. 

Edge Burning Techique

Channel Mixer

Lab Color Method

Gradient Map


1. I think that the channel mixer method produced the best result for me. 
2. I achieved a fairly large value mode for each image. However, the gradient map and channel mixer methods worked the best.

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