Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Perfect Selfie

1. My favorite shot is the one of my friend's and my feet. The mood is athletic and it reminds me of what I love to do. 
2. I used the hack of having headphones as a selfie stick to take my rule of thirds picture. 

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Formal Portraits

1. The portrait I edited is my favorite because I worked really hard on it and it really brings out Chance's personality. 
2. Taking the pictures was the easiest part of the process. 
3. Whitening the teeth was the hardest part of the process.

Candid Photos

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Portrait Assignment


Top Left 

Bottom Right


Center of Frame 

1. The symmetrical balance was the most effective because I was able to center my subject and place all of the focus on her. 
2. The bottom right balance was the least effective because my subject appeared to be very small, therefore she was not the central focus of the photograph. 

Friday, October 9, 2015

Principles of Design

Balance: Symmetrical









1. My favorite image is the one of the Iwo Jima monument, because it is a great demonstration of emphasis and the variety of colors makes it powerful. 

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Review Photojournalism

1. The story is all about coffee. It tells us the story of where coffee comes from, the places it ends up at, the people who serve it, and those who drink it.

2. This happened because Dima Gavrysh wanted to capture everyday people lived their everyday lives and grabbing a cup of coffee provides the perfect atmosphere and opportunity. Gavrysh wanted to tell the story of coffee. Some examples of this are the way he's able to capture a loving couple and a man deep in his own thought in the same frame.

3. The author, Kerri MacDonald, told this story because she found the images Gavrysh took fascinating in their simplicity. She wanted to share these images with the rest of the world.

4. The images make me feel a sense of comfort. It's amazing to me how Gavrysh was able to capture the emotions and personalities of people through something as normal and average as coffee.

5. The images most definitely enhance the story. Without them, the story would be boring and we wouldn't get a full understanding of the fact that some of the most beautiful things can be found in everyday life. Seeing pictures develops this thought and makes it more prominent because you can literally see it for yourself.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Photo Scavenger Hunt

A Person with a busy background. 

A photo at 9am.

A photo at noon.

A photo at 4pm.

A photo at 6pm. 

An ant looking at food. 

A three year old looking into a refrigerator. 

Something shiny. 


Someone who stands out in a crowd. 


A bird looking at the ground. 

A building. 

A part of a building. 

A door knob or detail.

A person with a plain background. 

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Texture and Space

1. I like my tree bark texture picture the best because it conveys a lot of texture and looks professional.
2. I like my plane space picture the best because it is an arial shot and was taken from a nice angle.